Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beer Belly Bombshells??? HMMMM

So I have been subjected to this show called America Ninja Warrior for days .... Not like an hour each days but hours upon hours upon hours each day.  For those of you who don't know what this is, please Google it.  It is not a show women would normally watch but, because the testosterone in this house is so unbelievably high, I am subjected to watch it.... A LOT!!!!

Well after watching a marathon of said show this weekend, Jason looks at me and says "I should win an award for sitting all these hours watching this.  Especially since my butt hurts."  I know pure wisdom right there.  He then goes on to ask me if I will rub it for him....The answer was a definite no.

After hours and hours of this show, Jason goes to bed (also after trying to convince me to rub his butt which did not work).  Woohoo I have control of the remote!  On to BRAVO!  Minutes later my phone goes off... A text from Jason (who is laying in bed).  Laziness at it's finest.  LOL.

Here is the text....

Left out of what...I don't know and I don't ask.  LOL

So the next day, I find this online and send it to him...

Here is that text...

Maybe I am not right but, it's funny none the less.  Some times I crack myself up.  Watch out You just might see these BEER BELLY BOMBSHELLS on t.v. soon.... I doubt that but at least he has a dream.  LOL

I also need to get out more.

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